Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative Model For Other African Countries: Commissioner Josefa Sako

African Union Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue Economy and Sustainable Environment, Ambassador Josefa L. Sako commended the ongoing Green Legacy Initiative of Ethiopia as a model for other African countries.

Ambassador Josefa L. Sako appreciated the Green Legacy Initiative as a decisive measure to mitigate impacts of climate change.

The Green Legacy Initiative, Ethiopia self-reliant program that the country is implementing without any financial support from outside, manifests the government’s commitment to fight climate change, she explained.

She also stated that the initiative is instrumental in tackling drought and other natural disasters like landslide and flooding, and in line with AU’s Great Green Wall program.

The Commissioner further called on member countries to utilize the upcoming African Climate Summit to be held in Nairobi, Kenya as a platform to echo their voices and forge a common stand against climate change.


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