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We condemn the torture of the government of Saudi Arabia that is imprisoned in the country by ABO and KFO

A press release given from ABO and KFO

June, 21, 2021

We have seen a lot of Oromo Liberation Front (ABO) and Congress of Oromo Federalists (KFO) in the prison of Saudi Arabia. Oromo refugees have migrated from human rights and political and economic development in Ethiopia and migrated from their country. This human rights violations including the killing of peaceful people has reached a higher level now. The base of Tumale immigrants and immigrants should be held responsible for the human rights of the world, to save their lives from their country and to their country.

The information that was found in Saudi Arabia prison is being done for human being who are hurting Oromo refugees. If these refugees live in a very troubling house, most of them have been banned from 200 in one stressful room. If these refugees in prison are banned from children, pregnant women, elderly people and people with various illnesses in themselves, these people are mostly prevented from suffering. Immigrants currently in Saudi Arabia prison are not getting the basic ingredients for human life such as water, food, clean weapons and treatment. Two (2) refugees have died because of the information received from us due to the injuries in this prison. Because of the detention of the Oromia refugees who are found in these prisons, we are worried that they can be exposed to the disease of COVID-19

We OLF and KFO wish strength for the families of these refugees who died in prison. We condemn the bad action that the government of Saudi Arabia took against these refugees. This is why human rights organizations concern: immigrants, children, international health organizations and individuals concern them, the government of Saudi Arabia, immigrants, immigrants and human rights organizations.

Oromia regional government officials and Ambassadors and diplomats of Saudi Arabia and its citizens are suffering in foreign prison, we want to inform the Oromo people and Ethiopian people not to do anything. The Ethiopian government is known that it will happen because of the problem of the migrants. But at least for these immigrants to protect their human rights. However, Ethiopian government officials haven’t spoken anything about the killing and torturing of Oromo people in Saudi Arabia. Especially the Ethiopian Ambassador in Saudi Arabia is responsible to protect Ethiopian immigrants found in that country.
It is known that most refugees are against Ethiopian government. This is why Ethiopian government chose to keep quiet knowing what is happening to oromo refugees.

This is what is happening in the current political empire of Ethiopia crossing the boundaries of life and the lives of the people of Oromo, and the people of oppressed Ethiopia. The current political problem in Ethiopia is not only the immigrants found in Saudi Arabia but also the immigrants found.
This is the solution to organize the internal and external forces, the struggle of freedom and democracy is to remove the suffering of the century.

This is why the government of Saudi Arabia is not allowed to make sure that the Oromo refugees are free from any torture. Also, the Saudi Arabia government should ensure that immigrants are free from food, water, medicine and air attack on police and security. … In addition, the government of Saudi Arabia should pay attention to the displaced people in prison such as mado, pregnant women, children, elderly people and injured bodies.
So, social parties, religious organizations, professionals, groups who are suffering from human rights and activists including Oromo refugees in Saudi Arabia. We are advising those who are exposed.

At last, there has been a few years of harm and suffering here in Saudi Arabia and Yemen. And this is against Tumale and other laws related to the international human rights and laws. This is why the UNHCR and UNHRC government of Saud-Arabia are encouraging Oromo immigrants to serve the international refugees and human rights officials.

The difference between Oromo freedom (ABO)

Congress of Federalist Oromo (KFO)

June 21, 2021


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