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DÉJÀ VU,( is the feeling that one has lived through the present situation before- ያለፈው አየተደገመ ነው) MAY 1991 ALL OVER AGAIN!

By Dr. Haymanot Assefa Nadew, Maryland, USA

Dr. Haymanot Assefa

While we are talking, demonstrating, pontificating, theorizing, writing, bowing and begging for existence of a peaceful, prosperous and secure Ethiopia, the allegedly “defeated” TPLF is hiking/waltzing through northern Ethiopia to capture the Palace in Addis Ababa to once again subjugate Ethiopia and Ethiopians.

In 1991, Ethiopians as a group blamed the then Derge regime lead by Colonel Mengistu Hailemariam. Just like in 1991, today’s continued defeat and humiliation of Ethiopia is on all of us. Though present-day Ethiopia leaders and privileged groups take the bulk of the blame, all Ethiopians must take fair share of the blame and must immediately do everything in their power to avoid another round of TPLF rule. What should we all do?

  1. Arm all Amhara people without any precondition. TPLF must first cross Amhara region on its way to Addis Ababa. Amhara people are once again the first line of defense and must immediately be provided all the necessary weapon to defend Amhara and consequently Ethiopia. An instant power balance is needed to check the advance of the TPLF.
  2. The same way as in 1991, the USA and the European union are clearly supporting the TPLF. Instead of delegating its diplomatic responsibility, I call up on the Ethiopian government to promptly invest all the money needed to reverse TPLF’s orchestrated campaign against Ethiopia. Among other reasons, Ethiopia’s government failure to invest today is costing the country dearly. Wake up and spend the money now to immediately reverse TPLF’s sustained diplomatic, political and media campaign. Ignore this warning to lament tomorrow!
  3. If you really care about Ethiopia and Ethiopians, end one-man centralized decision making as soon as possible. Truly and meaningfully involve and engage capable Ethiopians at once. Source knowledge, expertise, experience and know-how to save Ethiopia. Swallow your pride, accept your limitations, and seek assistance. Heroes act decisively.
  4. To all Ethiopians: you only could save Ethiopia from imminent doom. Once again take concerted action to save yourselves and Ethiopia. No one is going to come to save you. Your fate is in your own hands. Organize to win.
  5. Freedom, dignity, right and independence are all earned! You cannot have these by begging or being nice. Might makes right! You can never delegate your survival matter to others. To be free, we all must fight as one person. If we do not, TPLF would once again win and subjugate all of Ethiopia. It could be worse than the first time. The choice is yours!!! An old sage once said: Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results.
  6. Negotiate only from position of strength. Fight and have an upper hand before going into the negotiating room. The weak never get what they want. The strong dictate the terms.

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